Functional Style TypeScript 2:



Array.filter provides a declarative API for filtering arrays. That is, it allows you to build a new array that contains all of the elements of an original array that satisfy some condition.


Use Array.filter when you need to exclude some elements from an existing array for the purposes of a calculation. It is common to chain map or reduce to the result of a filter.


Suppose we only want to display preferred customers in a certain dashboard, but we have an array with all customers. We could filter the customers as follows.

type Customer{
	isPreferred: boolean;
    id: string;
    name: Name;

const customers: Customer[] = buildTestCustomers();

const preferredCustomers = customers.filter(
	(customer) => customer.isPreferred;

The callback we provide to Array.filter is called a predicate function. It takes in an element from the array and returns a boolean that tells filter whether to keep the element in the new array.


As for the return value of, the filtered array returned from Array.filter will be a new array and the original array will not be mutated. Care must be taken, however, when the original array's elements are objects if you want to avoid deeply shared references.

Use Cases

Often, you will need to chain a map or reduce or forEach onto the filter call. For example, you may want to notify every preferred customer of a special sale by email.

	(customer) => customer.isPreferred;
	(preferredCustomer) => sendNotificationEmail(preferredCustomer, membersOnlySale);

Note that here we do not need to save a reference to the result as we are executing a side effect within the forEach.

Point Free

We can rewrite the code to be point free as follows.

interface Preferable{
	isPreferred: boolean;

const isPreferred = ({isPreferred}: Preferable) => isPreferred;

const preferredCustomers = customers.filter(


  1. Given a string[] of input `comments`, filter out all comments longer than 20 characters.
  2. Given a number[] called numbers, filter out the odd numbers. You may want to use the % operator.
  3. Given a number[] called numbers, build a new array called squaredEvens that contains the square of the even elements from numbers.